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"I'm sorry, dear, I have a headache...." |
I have now spent 'way too much time with
this story over the past couple of days, basically (figuratively)
tearing it apart (peeling the pieces off the walls) so that I could
put it (them) back together in some comprehensible order. For the
benefit of others who might be interested, here are the fruits of my labors.
First, I made a skim pass through the
issues in publication order, extracting notes toward re-ordering the
narrative, which are given below in the format “Issue#:page#s.
Predominant-character time-stamp”. For example, my “for
instance” above, “Kate's Story. Three Weeks Ago” in issue #6,
pp. 10-11, is noted as “6:10-11. Kate 3wk ago”.:
Draft 1: Based on
assumption that, given a time stamp, events happen in the order they
appear over the six issues. Therefore something “1wk ago” in
issue #7 happens before something “1wk ago” in issue #8. Obvious
deviations are noted.
6:8-9. Maro 4mo ago
7:10-12. Maro 2mo ago
6:4-5. Jacob 1mo ago
8:4-7. Maro 1mo ago
6:10-11. Kate 3wk ago
7:6-7. Jacob 3wk ago
7:8-9. Kate 2wk ago
8:15. Jacob 2wk ago
9:8-9. Maro 2wk ago
6:6-7. Maggie 1wk ago
6:12-21. Chase 1wk ago
7:13-15. Maggie 1wk ago
7:16-17. Chase 1wk ago
8:8-9. Kate 1wk ago
8:10-14. Maggie “6nt ago”
(but has to be before 8:16-17)
8:16-17. Chase 1wk ago (but
has to be after 8:10-14)
9:6-7. Jacob 1wk ago
10:14-17. Maro 1wk ago
9:13-15. Chase 4d ago
9:16-17. Kate 3nt ago –
before 9:10-12
9:10-12. Maggie 3nt ago
10:7-8. Jacob 35h ago
10:13. Kate 28h ago
10:4-6. Maggie 18h ago
10:9-12. Chase 2h ago
6:1-3. Bw Now
6:22. Bw now
7:1-5. Bw now
7:18-20. Bw now
8:1-3. Bw now
8:18-20. Bw now
9:1-5. Bw now
9:18-20. Bw now
10:1-3. Bw now
10:18-20. Bw now
11:1-5. Bw now
11:6-7. Jacob now
11:10-13. Maro now
11:14-15. Chase now
11:16-17. Bw now
11:8-9. Maggie now + 15m
11:18-19. Kate next day
11:20. Epilogue
I shared this initial
map with a colleague who, although even more a fan of this title than
I am, agreed that the story as presented made no real sense. He was
able to jump on rereading the issues following that map and was
finished even before I started, and emailed me immediate feedback
that he understood and liked the story now. So I was able to begin
my own rereading later yesterday with some assurance that my efforts
thus far had not been in vain.
I read, I made a lot of notes (using the Evernote app
on my iPhone, my note-taking app of choice, and using a lot of my own
abbreviations that are sometimes “autocorrected” by the iPhone
with odd results, but that I have not cleaned up here)
which are available below but only if you highlight them.
There were a couple of adjustments to
story order that still needed to be made, where the assumption noted
above proved not to be the case.
6:8-9. Maro 4mo ago. Maro
drowns little girl as part of spell to create the Weeping Woman.
Falchion present.Obv before prev arc.
7:10-12. Maro 2mo ago. Maro
calls forth Bloody Mary, binds her to self, & sacrif 3 little
girls. Killer Croc a henchman.
8:4-7. Maro 1mo ago. M
cuts off Rush's L hand, repl w/Ashoth, sentient hook that talks. Must
precede 6:4-5.
6:4-5. Jacob 1mo ago. J
h/b vis comatose Bette in ICU ev day since she got there, talking to
her, rdg frYou Only Live Twice.
So Rush wasn't Hook for long before
cuttg dn Bette in ish#?.
6:10-11. Kate 3wk ago. A
"morning after" with Maggie, another confr re Kate's refus
to discuss the past
7:6-7. Jacob 3wk ago. Jacob
w/Bette, rambling ab Kate & Beth, culm in Bette's finger brushing
his, indic to him she is s/h aware of him.
7:8-9. Kate 2wk ago. Kate
& Maggie @ exclus rest for lunch (?), notices Abbott stalking her
- confront - Abbott tells of Falchion & Medusa, rival magic, tryg
to run Rel of Crime out - Kate sends him away.
8:15. Jacob 2wk ago. Dr
Siddhartha resp to Jacob's rept, scoffs but says talking good at
least for those not in comas...
9:8-9. Maro 2wk ago. Maro
w/KCroc magicly rev Maria the Weepg Woman under pier (where Bw def
her some ishes back?), extorts her cont help.
6:6-7. Maggie 1wk ago.
Mother of a missing child (fr prev arc ish#1?)
vents frust on Maggie, who thinks of own child for whom she was
denied custody.
6:12-21. Chase 1wk ago.
W/Bw tring to find lead to children,
squabbling, Chase tryg to keep her on short leash. Bw learns how eff
her DEO issue Bw-armor is - very!
7:13-15. Maggie 1wk ago. M
& Harvey & GCPD SWAT confr KCroc & Medusa thugs, whose
escape fr decimg some of Abbott's acolytes is enabled by Sune, who is
capt by Maggie.
7:16-17. Chase 1wk ago. C
outfits Bw w/new tech, gives her mission to snatch Sune fr pris
transp to be headed by Maggie.
8:8-9. Kate 1wk ago. Cont
of 7:16-17. Kate has taken off mask, being coerced by Chase to use
rel w/Maggie to facil mission ... She does.
8:10-14. Maggie “6nt ago”
(but has to be before 8:16-17). That night, Bw
attacks Bullock's boat which doesn't have Sune - on Maggie's boat -
stuns Maggie but accid hits her w/tranq when Maggie n/less jumps her
fr behind, to Bw's horror
8:16-17. Chase 1wk ago (but
has to be after 8:10-14). GCPD surv has comprom
their esc w/Sune, Maggie improvisg, links back up w/Bw&Sune - Bw
sucker punches C, decl will never ag hurt Maggie or her people - Sune
offers coop for immun.
Jacob 1wk ago. Bette flatlines again,
but resusc. What is USMA? [United
States Military Academy, or West Point].
10:14-17. Maro 1wk ago. M
magicly mutates KCroc into even larger, more fierce monster
(w/mumbojumbo & virgin sacrif).
9:13-15. Chase 4d ago.
W/Bw&Sune, case Falchion's hideout beneath
Goth Harbor, as well as his yacht, on which there's a party tom nt to
which Kate h/b inv - C orders K to att w/"gf" & Sune wd
be there u/c too.
9:16-17. Kate 3nt ago –
before 9:10-12. K & Sune steal away fr
party & find plans linkg yacht to h/o.
9:10-12. Maggie 3nt ago.
Immed after 9:16-17. M witn K&S ret to
10:7-8. Jacob 35h ago. J
confesses to comat Bette that loved Beth more than Kate bec of the
ways she was unlike him while Kate was too much like him. Int
fact that J Kane Jewish [have they ever established these Kanes as
related to Martha Kane, Bruce Wayne's mother?].
10:13. Kate 28h ago. Bw
obs J still at B's bedside 7h later. Night.
10:4-6. Maggie 18h ago. At
child murder victim crime scene w/Gordon. Strain of the long unsolv
children case taking toll. G tells her to pretend Vic hers & find
perp. M calls dtr altho it's "early."
10:9-12. Chase 2h ago.
C&Bw&Sune&DEO attack giant KCroc in
subway(?). Bombs. KCroc esc. C stays w/one agent left alive; Bw&Sune
foll KCroc tow Falch lair
6:1-3. Bw now. Confr
Falch & Hook in u/w lair, Hook attacks her.
6:22. Bw now. Bw
ftg Hook.
7:1-5. Bw now. It's
only been 4wk since Hook attacked Bette. Tears Hook fr hand - it
starts screaming for its body, he transf into Rush whom she'd prom to
prot - Falchion prof love for all his monsters as we see WW, Bldy M,
& KCroc there too - the monsters of Goth.
7:18-20. Bw now. F
holdg children in chains, revels in monsters of GC, wonders what
legend will be made of Bw.
8:1-3. Bw now. DEO
tech works ag monsters, but F forces her to shut dn by thr children.
8:18-20. Bw now. F's
sword dipped in Amaz blood unexp cuts thr Bw costume, but then F is
hit by hail of arrows fr Sune, whom F cries 'Traitor'. F
bleeds blue.
9:1-5. Bw now. Sune
deploys 'borrowed' DEO blkout bombs on F, intends to kill him but
feigns submiss to Bw's ban on killg. Incrly flirty.
9:18-20. Bw now. F
jumps them in dkness, inj Sune - Bw puts him dn, blindg him. Sune
pulls her into kiss.
10:1-3. Bw now. Pushes
Sune away - S kills F.
10:18-20. Bw now. Sune
revls self as shapeshifter, Maro, "once F's warlock, now his
11:1-5. Bw now. Maro/Sune
m/mind of events - orders WW to atk Bw.
11:6-7. Jacob now. As
drs talk to Bette's mother abt org don, Jac pleads w/B to come back,
puts mask on face, prom to be her new mentor, she wakes up. Of
c Bw#0 shows what she's got to look fwd to if he's gonna prep her
like he did Kate. She's gonna wish she were dead!
11:10-13. (Bw+)Maro now.
Maro leaving w/BM & Hook & children in
column of light (Hook has reattached self to Rush) - Chase app, abt
to shoot Maro but Bw stops her (why?), shot only wings him - Maro
makes it to portal, chgg form, flingg back promise to meet ag at head
of an army - lvs WW & Croc to deal w/Bw & Chase
11:14-15. (Bw+)Chase now.
Lair floodg, Bw & C desp swim for safety
11:16-17. Bw now. Bw
essentially dragging C behind her - Croc chases, alm gets Bw as C
breaks surf (overlap w/11:8-9) Maggie pulls C onto boat, C enraged,
Bw bks surf & hears end fr afar, vows to self she will get chilr
11:8-9. Maggie now + 15m.
(Dovetails w/11:16-17). Maggie rushing tow rep
of massive disturb below GH, calling all units, stopped by Chase
strugg ashore, raging abt Bw
11:18-19. Kate
next day. W/Maggie, commits to her, opens up box w/her past, refs to
Beth as dead sr, Maggie in turn reveals her dtr Jamie to K - lives in
Star City w/fr & stepmother
11:20. Epilogue. Maro
in wolf form, w/chilr (who seem happy) bef unseen "Mitera"
(Mother? Medusa?), decl Bw killed Falchion - Last panel.....
Here are my own
random comments and reactions. I'm pretty much in agreement with my
colleague. Read in chronological order, the story is at least
comprehensible and quite enjoyable. The non-sequential elements actually
transcend just this six-issue story arc. The events at the very
beginning, “Maro's Story. Four Months Ago,” would seem to me to
precede the entirety of the first story arc, in issues #1-5. We get
to see the “origin” of the character I'm calling “Hook”
(“Scythe” would be a better moniker, actually), before he nearly
killed Bette Kane during that story. And, of course, there are still
a lot of unanswered questions – but we know that Batwoman is
pulling in some “expert” help against monsters like “Medusa”
in the story arc that took up in issue #12 – who better than Wonder
Woman to help out with a monster from Greek mythology?
But the implication
is that the events depicted in nearly a year's worth of Batwoman
comics thus far took place in a period of about four months story
time. I have no problem with that. “Comic book time” cannot
match “real time,” without creating more problems than such an
approach would solve for a long-term narrative. But a couple of
questions do come to mind: How closely do the various titles of the
New 52 line up with this? If the DCnU is overall about four months
old at this point in story time, how can Black Canary have met an
active Batgirl “one year ago” in Birds of Prey #0 which I
just read a few nights ago? There are all kinds of other questions,
I'm sure....
The “scrambled”
nature of this story extended even to the covers. The images on the
covers of this series are generally not reflective of anything
specifically in the issue, being more symbolic than depictive, but I
was struck by how the cover of #8 would have been very appropriate
for issue #10, basically showing another perspective of a scene
But my most
important comments based on this experience is this: Comics should
not be so hard to follow as were these six issues. There was a good
story hidden in there, but I had to tease it out with a lot of grunt
work. I'm not going to such lengths for other comics. It's a
testament to how much I like the Batwoman title that I'm
willing to put this much effort into it, but how many other readers
just dropped the book sometime in the last few months in frustration?
My advice, for what it's worth: DON'T DO THIS AGAIN. You're
not Quinten Tarantino, and stretching out a non-sequential narrative
over six months of comics is very different than presenting it in a couple hours of
a movie like Pulp Fiction. There were too many pieces and
parts, too scrambled, and by the time I got to the last issue in my
monthly reading, I was too lost and just didn't care to be confused
yet again. And frankly I could very well have never gotten back to
spending the time I did the last couple of days, and consequently
never really followed the story. That is not the way to keep
As always, just my
opinion, for what it's worth.
Cheers, and Thanks
for reading!
* * *
By the way, if
you're interested in my month-by-month comments, they're secreted
away in my monthly DC roundups:
Issue #6:
Issue #8:
Issue #9:
Wow, I have just read the hard cover trade of the first 6 issues and had problems with that, I dont think I will follow it up with the second.
ReplyDeleteMy issue with the first is although the art is spectacular it detracts from the story, and I found myself going over and over pages to try and understand what was going on.
Given your thoughts on the second arc of the book you may well have saved me some money, well not really as I will buy somthing else.
Fantastic work as always Kent.
Thanks, Rob. Driving away readers was not my intention - I actually really like this series and think it has very well-developed characters, and would hate to see poor sales lead to its demise. But I can well understand people dropping it! That's what I intended to drive home, on the vanishingly slim chance that anyone involved in its creation might happen across this post. As I see it, even the best selling titles really can't afford to be driving away readers.