I guess I owe a big “Thank you” to
Brian Azzarello for giving me the perfect opening line for this post,
because that's pretty much how I felt most of the time when I would
hit one of the various examples of “clever” word play over the
course of his first dozen issues of the New 52 Wonder Woman.
They were something that started to grate
on me early, and increasingly dominated my perception of the books.
Compounded with the fact that, for all the promise I saw in the basic
premise of the first issue, which I picked up mainly “just because”
– specifically because Wonder Woman is the third member of the DC
“trinity” of iconic super heroes – I found issue after issue
increasingly problematic on several levels, most importantly that the
individual issues didn't seem to be telling any kind of coherent
story, but also that I found the portrayal of some of the Greek gods
downright bizarre. To be fair, in rereading through these issues all
at once I came away with a much better appreciation for the overall
story, which I found when read at one sitting to be quite engaging,
and considerable easing of the disdain – downright anger,
really – that I was feeling toward Azzarello only a few short weeks
ago. Again, most importantly, the story makes sense and I enjoyed it
enough – despite some other aspects of this reimagining – that
I'll likely continue reading his Wonder Woman … in
collections. I will not be picking up the individual issues,
however. I'd much rather buy a collection every six months or so and
enjoy it than endure the monthly frustration that this
book had become for me, fairly early on.
Having said all that, as I reread those
issues a couple weeks ago I noted some of the verbal malefactions
that struck me as committed by various characters, and with mid terms
finally out of the way and this week's task of catching up on other
things I'd gotten behind on due to mid semester grading, I was able
to sit down and lay into some scanning to compile a blog entry
presenting some – not all – of the to various degrees unlikely
word play offenses Azzarello inflicted on the reader over his first
year as Wonder Woman scribe.
The most obvious way to do this is to
start at the very beginning – because that indeed is when it
started, on the very first page of Wonder Woman #1 (Nov 2011)
Issue #1 p. 1 |
Not only do we have the perhaps clichéd
response of Apollo to a young lady's awe-stricken wonder at the vista
from his penthouse atop a building in Singapore – “Oh... / ...my... / ...god...”
– “Yes?” (hasn't that joke been overused, even just on
– but we also have at the bottom of the page a pun that absolutely
would not work in spoken conversation. It looks all kind of clever
when seen in writing, on the page, but think about whether the
homophonic substitution of “sun” for the contextually understood
“son” would be in any way perceptible by the listener. I would
say not. Only Apollo would possibly appreciate his own wit. Then
again, I guess these gods are portrayed as being very full of
that being the only example that I caught in the first issue, I don't
remember being bothered by it. I probably, on first reading, didn't
perceive that here we had a pun that only would work in writing, not
orally. And I don't remember being bothered by – even noticing –
Diana's witty riposte toward the end of the second issue to Strife's
warning that “I don't take kindly to a charge” with “Unless
you're leading it.”
Issue #2 p. 18 |
No, the verbal offense that first made me
sit up and say, “Oh, come on!,” was Apollo's response on
the opening page of issue #4 to his brother Ares' greeting in a
bar-cum-charnelhouse in Darfur:
Issue #4 p. 1 |
Hell low, indeed.” And this one is,
as you'll see, more representative of the level of the humor being
attempted here than not.
Actually Strife does manage a much
funnier pun on page 8 of the same issue. As context, Strife hit
Diana with the shocking revelation over the past couple of issues
that the story of her own origins that she (and we) had always known
was just not so – that Diana was instead the product of a secret
tryst between Queen Hippolyta and Zeus – news that had caused a
rift between the princess and her mother, indeed between her and her
Amazonian sisters. Strife ends up hanging with Diana and her new
charge Zola – pregnant with another demigod progeny of that old
tomcat Zeus and thus target number one for Hera – and Hermes, who
warns her that it would be best not to keep “trifling” with
Diana. Hermes is sceptical that Strife's intentions are anything
but antagonistic – “Please. You split a daughter from her
mother.” – Strife can't see what's wrong – “I exposed the
truth... // … split happens.”
Issue #4 p. 8 |
Now, that's clever! – Or maybe
not, but it seems like a very realistic pun to me.
an aside, this next is not an example of bad word play, but rather
something that has puzzled me since I read it in issue #5:
Issue #5 p. 7 |
now, Hera having been temporarily distracted from her vendetta against
Zola by the revelation of Diana's true paternity, and having loosed
her wrath on Hippolyta and the Amazons – transforming the latter
into serpents and the former into a clay (?) statue – and
Diana having now been approached in London by a hitherto unknown
half-brother, semi-divine son of Zeus, she and Zola seem to have a
fundamental misconception regarding what their own newly discovered
“familial” relationship is. Hera throughout seems pretty adamant
that Zeus' dalliances with mortal women such as Hippolyta (well,
semi-mortal since she's the daughter of Ares [who is the son of Zeus, which makes her
impregnation by Zeus especially creepy!] ) and Zola are offenses
against herself because she is Zeus' legitimate wife. So, in her
mind at least Zola and Hippolyta are mistresses, at best concubines.
Which to my mind would make Zola more or less Diana's step-mother
rather than “aunt”? Or, if you want to go with popular
terminology (e.g. the TV show, but having a usage history going back at least to the 19th century and I would imaging much
longer) Zola and Hippolyta might be considered “sister-wives” along with Hera, which I guess would make Zola in that sense Diana's “aunt”....
I don't think Hera would agree, however.
I tried sketching out the relationships for clarity … here's the
woeful result:
Which brings us to the source for my post
Issue #7 p. 13 |
Oh, boy, two in rapid succession, the
second seemingly Eros poking Hephaestus in the eye! The context of
this is Diana learning how Amazonian babies were really made
according to Azzarello: “Wonder Woman,” Hephaestus explains
beginning on the preceding page, “your people, thrice a century …
/// … Go on raids. Like pirates, they take to the sea – ” –
“For booty,” interjects Eros, provoking Hephaestus'
rebuke. – Okay, to be fair, I've used that one in my own
lectures regarding the Vikings' preying on nunneries in the Middle
Ages, and I can even see an inveterate punster using Eros' followup
when Hephaestus continues, “Mortal vessels are their targets – ”
– “Seminal mortal vessels.” Because the Amazons play
“black widow” in a sense, or succubus, using the men for
impregnation before killing them and casting their “drained”
bodies into the cold waters.
And then there's issue #9 … Strife
meeting with her uncle Ares, wanting him to attend the imminent
nuptials of … Diana and Hades.
Issue #9 pp. 2-3 |
I'm not even going to try to explain,
except that Diana has managed to get herself shot through the heart by
Hades wielding Eros' “love-gun.” I so wish I could have
written “sex-pistol,”
but that's so not what it was about...
Issue #9 p. 7 |
or maybe it was, because
that's not the hole the prospective groom intends to “happily
fill,” I'm sure. One problem I've had with most of these puns is that
they only work in English, which some of these characters I would
imagine not really to be speaking. They're Greek gods, after
all. This one, on the other hand, I imagine works in any language
whatsoever. ... Unlike the pun of “paws” and “pause” that the
Strife's word play depends on:
Issue #9 p. 13 |
By the way, the kid with the candelabra
head is Hades, one of the more bizarre depictions in this series.
Hey, at least he doesn't look like Boss Nass from Star Wars Episode
One … like Poseidon does (issue#5 cover):
Maybe it's just me, but the frequency of
these verbal malefactions seems to be picking up. Issue #10, Diana
gets back into the game as she makes her break from Hell. Hades'
dog-ugly gorgonesque daughters are bent on punishing her for the
affront against their father, but Diana pun-ishes them instead:
Issue #10 p. 7 |
In issue #11, in fairly rapid succession:
Issue #11 p. 10 |
Apollo declares his intention to “face down” the coming storm even as his kick to the jaw plants Diana “face down” in the mud.
Issue #11 p. 16 |
Issue #11 p. 20 |
In the climactic issue – which ends on
a cliffhanger that I won't spoil – we get one more:
Issue #12 p. 10 |
Commentary overall on Azzarello's run on
the New 52 Wonder Woman has been quite polarized. Many fans
hate it, primarily because they don't see this depiction of Wonder
Woman and her world as in any way consistent with previous
portrayals. I am sympathetic to that position. Many other fans like
it very much and some point to how cleverly Azzarello writes it as
one of the reasons. I don't really find this so clever, however.
Although, as I said above, a single-sitting reading through of a
year's worth of monthly issues was a much more satisfying experience
for me – even enjoyable on many levels (enough to have me pretty
committed to continuing with the story in collected format
henceforth) – at the same time I found any effect rendered by the
unlikely word play considerably watered down by the sheer frequency.
And it had become tiresome being hit by them month after month, being
knocked out of the story time and again which is not a good thing
especially when the story itself seemed not to be progressing in any
coherent fashion. When the author's attempts to be clever interfere
so significantly with the simple process of telling the story, then
it's time to heed Hephaestus' advice and “Don't be clever, boy.”
As usual, this is just my opinion, for
what it's worth. Thanks for reading – Cheers!
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