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Justice League #12 alternate cover released to Entertainment Weekly |
The main bit of news that I recall from the past month came out just
a few days ago, the “news” that they're going back to the old
well of making a couple of Superman and Wonder Woman. Who knows how
long it's going to last. And if anyone believes that in the end the
classic trope of the Superman-Lois-Clark triangle won't reassert
itself, come on. There are certain things in this universe that are
so immutable as to be considered a cosmic law. “S-L-C” is one of
them, whether it takes the form of the original “rivalry” (open
or not) between Clark and Superman for the affections of Lois, or is
(as for much of the past two decades) in the form of their marriage
with Lois knowing full well the dual identity of her soul-mate.
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Interior frontispiece from Action Comics #600 (May 1988) |
within the past few days we're getting more confirmation of the chaos
at DC editorial and how that's impacting creators and their work –
and driving some of them away entirely. See this article regarding
Rob Liefield. Confession: I don't believe I have anything he's ever
done. I haven't been reading anything in the New 52 he was on. He's
a quite controversial figure. What little I've looked at of his art
just looks grotesque to the point I wouldn't call him an artist at
all. Nevertheless, he's a Big Name with some fan following.
Somebody likes him. He's touted as a Big Name. But see here what he has to say about his exit from DC. It seems quite
balanced – and quite in line with what drove George Perez off
Again, I don't think this whole endeavour was in any way thought out
before they dived into it half-assed. They – and we – are lucky
as hell that it has worked out as well as it has.
the last couple of days a couple further bits of news have been
dropped: 1) There's going to be a new
Justice League of America
title, with – wait for it – Geoff Johns as writer. Hopefully
it will be better written than the “main” Justice
is. It will feature the New 52 return of his first (I think)
creation for DC, Stargirl Courtney Whitmore, a character dear to his heart whose
personality he based on that of his late sister, also named Courtney,
who was tragically killed in the 1996 explosion of TWA 800. The
downside of this is that he is reportedly leaving Aquaman.
2) Judd Winick is leaving DC altogether – reportedly it's not over the
same issues as drove Liefeld away. He'd already been announced as
leaving Catwoman.
I'd been enjoying both of his titles although I've found him a bit
inconsistent in the past.
final note – really a snide question: Did anyone who might even
remotely be interested
not know that The
Dark Knight Rises would be in
theatres and Imax on 20 July (the banner at the top of every
DC comic coming out before that date)?
Anyway, on with this month's comicky
goodness. Note: With this entry, I'm adopting a slightly different
method of transcription. A single slash / means a break in word
balloons or caption boxes that are nonetheless closely associated. A
double slash // means a totally separate balloon or box. A triple slash /// signifies a panel or page break. If it's one continuous speech
(whether narrative, dialogue, or inner'logue), it all remains within
one set of quotation marks. I'll continue distinguishing between
speakers by means of dashes between sets of quotation marks.
* * *
In the alternate reality that houses
“Earth 2,” the Green Energy that creates the Green Lantern is the
Power of the Earth, which is sentient and chooses Alan Scott as its
this age's champion against an new Evil that is coming, one which
will make the Apokolips War seem “inconsequential.” Despite
Alan's pleas, the Power cannot return Sam to life, and when he
accepts the Power the ring which he had been about to betroth himself
to Sam becomes the focus of his Power because it is “something
close to [his] heart.” And Green Lantern makes his debut helping
other victims of the train crash. Meanwhile, Jay Garrick learns that
Hawkgirl has been around for a while, and is rather disdainful of him
as a newbie, but recruits him anyway, having been sent to his
location “by Fate” – which of course he doesn't understand and
professes no belief in. And also meanwhile, the Grey – the power
of decay? – resurges, sucking the life out of various places around
the US including Washington DC, taking humanoid form as Grundy,
intent on drawing the new green champion to itself and killing him
greatness, including an interesting tie to the ideas of the Green and
the Rot (?) in other DCnU books … none of which I'm reading, so I'm
not up on how that conflict is playing out in the regular DCnU, but
it is – this month's books have a big double-page ad for a
multi-issue cross-over among several of those books: Animal
Swamp Thing,
and Frankenstein:
Agent of SHADE
– “Rotworld”
My only quibble – and I'm probably the
only one who feels this way given how widely it's been reviled
through the years – is that I think there should have been some
more elements of homage in the new costume to that of the old Golden
Age Green Lantern – not necessarily red shirt and purple cape, but
maybe a dark red or even brown element to the new costume.
(Similarly, I think silver for Hawkgirl's costume just looks wrong.)
More paralleled present and past
the present, the fight in Fukushima continues. Hakkou says something
about them coming to this world, seeming aware of their
other-dimensional origins. They overload him with radioactive
coolant. Kara seems especially vulnerable to his radioactive touch –
is it because he's a “little piece of home,” to paraphrase Lex
Luthor in Superman:
The Movie?
And her vulnerability is especially contrasted with Helena's
unnatural resistance to radiation, a fact observed in-story but
“explained” by her reference to “Dad always [saying] we had an
unnaturally high immunity to all sorts of poisons.” Uh, I don't
think it works that way. On that very same page there is a pretty
egregious typo of “rotegens” for the Roentgen unit for measuring
radiation exposure. I think Levitz had a bit of a bad day there ….
Anyway, the radioactive coolant gives the Dynamic-looking Duo a
respite, but just makes Hakkou stronger – and he attacks the Ginza in Tokyo … my guess is that the visuals here are as
accurate as the ones in other foreign locales we've seen the new
Helena visit, both in her own miniseries and here. Well played, my
friends. Kara avoids his touch this time, and literally bats him
into Tokyo Bay with a telecommunications tower (and as I write that I
think, “That pun has
to have been unintentional!”) –
in the past, 45 months ago at the London Eye (see what I mean,
although the gondola-cars are not that
big), Kara and Helena meet and discuss their predicament. There's a
strong indication that on Earth 2 “you ha[d] to be born
to be a Robin.” It would have been funny if Helena had expressed
some incredulity that here
there seems to be or have been more than one....
So far they've had no luck identifying the “souvenir” that came
through with them. Interestingly, Kara has difficulty learning this
Earth's computer programming language, so she just decides to buy the
requisite expertise; she refers to Terry Sloane as a computer genius.
24 months ago, when Kara learns that Michael Holt (ironically, the
“Earth 1” Mr. Terrific as Sloane was the Earth 2 version – or
is it? I've decided I am going to pick up the one-volume trade of
that eight-issue New 52 series; although it was cancelled quickly, it
seems it could be essential reading for the Earth
corner of the DCnU) is doing dimensional research, she decides to
seduce it out of him, hence what I knew from the beginning was a
character named “Karen Starr” in the New 52 Mr.
series. Here we get a second, I think, visual homage to the famous
“Power Girl boob window” of fan-boys' fond memories in the
fetching white dress she dons.
is another great issue, although every other commentator I've seen
observes the unlikely notion that Helena could survive radiation
poisoning. Anj in his review below does attempt some
speculation as to why, however. Once again, story-wise I find the
hints of their past and how these events relate to Earth 2 more
interesting than the contemporary story. Since Perez undoubtedly
cannot handle an ongoing monthly month-in month-out, I'm ecstatic
that Maguire is sharing the art duties and the way they're doing it.
It clearly sets apart the two narratives, and Maquire's depictions of
the lovely young ladies is a fitting complement for the character
bits while Perez plays to his strength with the rip-roaring action
sequences. I mean, just look at the playfully devilish expression on
Kara's face as she heads plots her alliance with Holt. It's up there.
New Secret Identity”
Clark Kent “dead,” Superman has established a new guise as
fireman Johnny Clark, but he's having second thoughts. He consults
Batman because his new ally always seems like the smartest man in the
room (semi-spoiler: I know from the Internet that Superman will
accomplish something next issue that the Bat probably couldn't, but
even that is a different kind of smarts). We find that Earth has,
doubtless due to events in early issues of Action
and Justice
come to the attention of extraterrestrials, leading to several recent
attacks and attempted invasions, including “Metalek” at the
beginning of this issue. Consulting the computer in his new
satellite headquarters, Superman wonders if the Collector of Worlds
might actually have been a force for good in that while something
called “the Multitude” has been destroying worlds, the Collector
was at least preserving something of those worlds before the
destruction – the Collector was not the destroyer as we had
assumed. But Krypton's death was not due to the Multitude because
Jor-El had impossibly driven it away, so we still have that mystery.
The stranger from last issue is revealed as the New 52 Captain Comet
– seemingly a much more sinister figure now – who detects that
Lois Lane's precocious niece Susie Tompkins (another in a long line
of Grant Morrison's out-of-left-field-and-cool-as-hell revivals of
obscure Golden-Age characters) is another mutant like him Lois is
critically injured in Metalek's latest attack, and Comet takes Susie.
When Superman interferes, he is mentally overwhelmed – and
physically overwhelmed by surrounding passers-by under Comet's
this lighter little side story, a couple of tourists find that
Superman's first S-tee-shirts
were ordered wholesale from a local shop – and why he has the
different colors. Of course, now every tee-shirt shop in Metropolis
claims to have been the original!
continued excellence – both stories. But what's “The Shocking
Reason Behind His New
Secret Identity” (cover) …? It ain't the only cover hype this
and ...review-action-comics-11-back-up-feature.html
If there were a “DC Villain Looks Like
a Quasi-Zombie” Drinking Game, I'd be as drunk as My Old Drunken
team manages to rally against its attackers and win, but at the cost
of seeing a couple of their members unleashed, as well as a couple of
fatalities among their attackers. This issue is largely narrated by
Green Lantern Guy Gardner, who gains a bit more respect for August
General in Iron and Booster Gold. This victory does go down as a
“win,” but the brother of one of the slain terrorists gains his
power and a thirst for revenge, so it ain't really over. And if this
is the “Final Victory,” what do next issue (the last) and the
upcoming Annual hold for the end of this series? Apparently not
going out on a high note....
the way, in the “News” category, just yesterday Geoff Johns did hint that there is some future for these characters.
There's something about a scientist
cloning himself and using a little-bitty large hadron reactor to
create antimatter to use for time travel into the future. This is
not even fun to try to make fun of. Batman's scream on the last page
sums up my reaction to this story. To this book.
in “Squared Up”
really wondering why I'm getting this even if it is one of the Batman
titles. I probably wouldn't keep on if Tony Daniel were not leaving.
Thank God
he's leaving!
after reading his opening, I say Big
Bang Theory
work comments on issues 10 and 11 by Sheldon into upcoming episodes!
See All of It Now”
and Nightwing – can I call them the 'Wing Boys? – fight Long long
enough for Batwing's technology to download the data they want, then
they are out and back to Africa, where Batwing's aide Matu's family
has just been killed in a terrorist attack. Matu is given passage
into the closed country of Tundi, his familial homeland now ruled by
Lord Battle, for the funeral. But once there he discovers a massive
secret oil industry – then is shot as Batwing listens in.
Meanwhile, Batwing has followed the the trail revealed by the data to
Uzbekistan, finding and alerting Batman in Gotham City of Penguin's
sale of a nuclear bomb to somebody. I'm not sure how it all goes
together, but it looks like the Justice League International appears
in the next issue – maybe they'll go out in style here....
continues to be a really hard title to get my mind around. I like
the sense of history that keeps coming into it, but sometimes it
doesn't at all feel like its part of any DC Universe, even nUniverse,
despite the presence of the Martian Manhunter – who something in
the back of my mind is telling me I heard somewhere that he's on his
way out of this book. Sometimes I wonder why I keep getting it month
to month rather than reverting to trades, but can't bring myself to
pull the trigger on dropping it.
it turns out the Devolver was created by a secret race called the
Hidden People, a Neanderthal group that's been fighting a long war
against the human – well, Homo
Sapiens Sapiens
since the Homo
Sapiens Neandertalensis
were humans too – “Usurpers,” taking on earlier incarnationsw
of Stormwatch through time, perfecting the Devolver. This issue ends
looking like Stormwatch fell into a trap such that what seems to them
like a victory really sowed seeds for their ultimate defeat by
infecting Engineer with some kind of “virus” of which she and
they are unaware. Along the way we learn more about Engineer's
origin and relationship with Harry Tanner, as well as another couple
of pages purporting to forward the Tanner plot.
in Harm”
issue not only starts out in
media res,
some time after the end of last issue, but also seems so sketchily
told that we're only getting the hilights. Superboy and Bunker have
stricken out on her own without the other Teen Titans who are staying
in Red Robin's penthouse. Bunker discovers that Superboy is
basically a bank robber. When the city is attacked by a giant robot,
Detritus, they defend it. Superboy now knows of the other “Supers”
– Superman and Supergirl – and is trying to take ownership of the
This includes getting a tattoo. Yay.
Brother's Keeper”
As they fight all around and over Gotham
City, Lincoln Marsh spins his tale to Batman, including the claim
that he is the Wayne child thought dead soon after a premature birth
brought on by an automobile accident, ultimately taken in by the Owls
and cultivated to be the Owls' heir to the Waynes. Batman defeats
him of course, but is left with no body and plenty of questions. The
story ends with a quiet exchange between Bruce and Dick, and Bruce's
conviction that his parents were ever truthful to him – as well as
that the Owls would be back.
Fall of the House of Wayne, Conclusion”
Tells the aftermath of the car “accident
which caused Martha to misscarry, Jarvis Pennyworth's fate at the
hands of the Owls, including a letter he left warning Alfred never to
come to Wayne Manor – a letter which burns up unread. Again, we
are left with questions....
there are two concurrent stories going on … and only one is
interesting. That's the one continuing Damian's war against the
other Robins, this time Jason Todd, who does seem to have come to
grips with his own demons and declares he's not going to “bring the
to a ten-year-old,” but thus ends up with Damian riding away
whistling with Jason's red hood mounted to the front of his bike.
The other continues the story of those who consider themselves maimed
by Batman and intent on turning the Bat into a symbol of fear for the
citizens of Gotham City, and who ultimately goad Batman into a less
than well thought out plan. We do get a funny exchange between
Gordon and Damian regarding a ten-year-old driving. For me, the
Damian story itself is well worth the price of admission. Is Jason's
characterization here consistent with how he's shown in Red
Hood and the Outlaws?
I do wish the “main story” – which seems to be giving us the
titles – were more interesting too.
The Darkness That Was Camelot”
All of the Demon Knights except Madame
Xanadu have been changed into their usually-pretty-scary “ideals”
– and they want to stay that way. They are confronted by a changed
King Arthur, who manages to get them into what's left of Camelot and
sprays them all with some kind of water which changes them back.
Arthur then tells the story of how he returned from Avalon and has
been ever since fighting the monstrosities that are proliferating
across Britain – and that are slowly winning. When he discovers
the purpose of the Knights is to resuscitate Merlin, he agrees to
lead them: “Well then. / I march with Knights once more. The
Knights of the Demon. // This is not Excalibur. And you are not the
Table Round. / But both are of quality. Both will suffice – /// –
the world shall have one more day of Arthur.” … We find that
Glastonbury Tower as shown was indeed erected centuries after the
fall of Camelot (it's actually 15th-century; see last month's post).
And we find that all that's happening is a trap by Morgana la Fay,
ret-conned (?) as Xanadu's sister.
Revenge of Black Hand, Part 1”
is the first issue of the New 52 Green
series I've bought. As explained in my post regarding the first collected volume, I opted out of the entire Green
franchise, at least as monthlies, with the reboot last year. But
after a while I regreted that decision, at least with regards to the
main series (and I'm rapidly wearing down with regards to Green
Lantern Corps
as well, I think), and decided to add it back in. According to the
solicitation, it looked like this would be a good starting point, and
in a sense maybe it is, bearing in mind I don't know exactly what's
been going on in issues #7-10. But in all likelihood the second
collected volume will comprise issues #7-12 – so if I get it I'll
have duplicates of #11 and #12, and maybe #0 which comes next
depending on where it's collected – I probably will do that,
however, rather than buy #7-10 as back issues. My main question here
is how easy is it to jump in at this point, having read #1-6? This
will be a somewhat more detailed write-up than I usually do in these
monthly round-ups, partially to address that question.
off, I know who Black Hand is, at least – the facilitator of the
Big Bad of the major line-wide event a couple of years ago, Blackest
Last I saw him at the end of that story, he was a captive of the
Indigo Tribe.
The story opens with Sinestro having also
been captured by the Indigo Tribe, who now release him into the
custody of Hal Jordan – and negate the bond between Sinestro's and
Hal's rings. “It means the ring you constructed for me – / –
does whatever I will it to now. /// Including affecting you.” And
Hal blasts Sinestro onto his ass. He grins as he says, “Sorry. ///
I wanted to make sure it worked.” Sinestro is pissed – when is
he ever not? He points out that Hal should have concentrated on
getting Black Hand – Sinestro maintains he could have eventually
freed himself. And now Black Hand is missing. He apparently
suicided to escape the Indigo Tribe's custody, but of course there's
no body. There is some residue that is just like the substance of
which the Black Lanterns were made. Uh-oh.
On Earth, Black Hand resurrects his
family as Black Lanterns and they have a happy family meal –
Chinese take-out. I kid you not. All the while he's yammering on
about his plan: “I'm going to murder as many people as I can in as
many ways as I can. / And then I'm going to raise them from the
ground and they're going to do the same thing. // I won't be the
outcast anymore, Father. / Everyone will be like me. /// And the
world can be one happy family.” Charming.
– unknowingly tracked by the Guardians, who realize that a second
Green Lantern is now with him – Sinestro takes Hal to Korugar, and
to the Book of the
telling him of a prophecy it contains. They have a vision of the
coming War of the Third Army, at the end of which they're not on
Korugar anymore – but rather popping out into the Hand family
“living room” (is it still? – “living,” I mean...).... “We
have guests,” observes Black Hand in a deadpan voice.
should I not have started here? Heck if I know yet. I actually
caught on that Sinestro getting access to the Book
of the Black
and the imminence of the prophecy plays off of events that were
actually back in the first collected volume, which, remember, ended
with Sinestro essentially drafting Hal back into service for a second
time. But did it really take them four issues of story, to (I
assume) get to Nok (the Indigo Tribe prison planet) – I take it, to
get to Black Hand – and have Sinestro taken captive for whatever
reason? That's pretty slow. What else might have happened? I'll
find out eventually, but actually I don't feel like I missed that
much. Four issues. Should I not
feel like I missed much? Is there really that little to the story?
of Cold Steel”
fights Knightfall (that is a really unfortunate name given its
connotations in Batman
lore) and her three stooges, although what they really want is for
her to join them in some bloody ultimate solution to Gotham City
crime. Basically, kill all bad guys. Batgirl is overwhelmed, but
rescued by Detective McKenna. The detective tells her the story of
Charise (with whom she's on first name basis), whom it is implied was
wrongly committed to Arkham Asylum after her parents' murder, and
there witnessed horrors, especially during “a breakout – the
breakout” from Arkham – when McKenna herself froze and couldn't
shoot one of the inmates holding a guard hostage, leading to the
death of her own husband – the guard. Why is she telling her all
this? Because when Charise was released on appeal, “under
suspicion of jury tampering,” she started contacting various
figures, implicitly recruiting them to her cause – among them
McKenna. Oh, “[A]nd there's something else.
/ They have someone in your
organization. /// They have a mole,
Batgirl.” And Batwoman is shown outside, communicating with
someone: “Confirmed. They're both there in the location you
predicted. / I'm going in.”
Huh– wha–
? Who has a mole, presumably in Batman, Incorporated? Is Charise
working for the DEO that Agent Chase recruited Batwoman into a while
back? That makes no sense.
There're also a couple of pages advancing
the plot of how brother dearest is seducing Barbara's roommate.
That's not going to turn out well.
Enemy Unseen”
I continue to marvel at how much better
this title seems now that Tom DeFalco has replaced Fabian Nicieza on
the writing chores – which surprises me because I've always liked
Nicieza before. He just didn't click here, however. The story, is
above all, more straightforward.
Timber Wolf ends up surviving despite the
primitive 21st-century medical care, but Tyroc and Yera are captured
by Meta-Marines after an issue-long battle. Meanwhile, Wildfire's
containment suit continues its progressive failure, threatening him
with permanent dissolution (which I don't quite get, since he's been
shown outside the suit on multiple occasions in the past), while
Dawnstar and Tellus detect and chase down Alastor … again … with
bad results. Alastor possesses Dawnstar. Timber Wolf wakes up and
tells Gates of a time-travel-based mysterious witness protection
program called Echo, and wonders whether they could have an Echo
handler hidden among their number.
having a hard time getting an idea how common time travel is in the
31st-century of the Legion. The existence of the Echo Program
implies its common enough, but hasn't it only recently been developed
(according to the recent Legion Secret Origin miniseries)? Whatever. Im sure Echo is somehow
connected with Kid Flash's presence in the 21st
century, with the mysterious woman who's appeared a couple of times
in Teen Titans
being his handler.
friend who reads mostly Marvel decided to pick this title up. This
was his first issue. Subsequent to his reading it, we discussed what
I've called the “Marvelization” of DC, what with the increasing
acrimony between teammates, seemingly regular fights between heroes,
and the generally darker tone of the universe, especially in how the
heroes are regarded by the world. That's a theme that was
brilliantly explored by Busiek and Perez in JLA*Avengers
most of a decade ago. For the record, I do
like the Marvelization of DC, but it makes my friend feel right at
home! I guess if that's what DC's looking for.... Incidentally,
dropping into the middle of both stories (JL
and Shazam),
he was confused as all get out but is going to stick with it, I
think. (I was amazed to find that he knows next to nothing about the
original Captain Marvel or his origin, which knowledge finally pays
off a little bit in this issue if you have it.)
As to the stories....
can't figure out if Graves is just incompetent with the League
being equally incompetent in always being on his tail but never close
enough to catch him, or manipulating them and they're just dancing to
his tune. They follow him from the satellite to Steve Trevor's
sister's house, but he jumps away just as they Boom Tube in.
Trevor's sister berates Wonder Woman for how she broke Trevor's
heart, making her feel guilty and driving her to recklessly try to go
off solo against Graves. Green Lantern tries to hold her back. They
fight. Graves televises the fight to aid in his deconstruction of
the Justice League's image. Cyborg Boom Tubes them all to Graves'
latest destination in Tibet, the Valley of Souls, where the heroes
are presented with apparitions of their lost loved ones – including
Wonder Woman who sees Trevor. He tells her she is too late.
is a bit done with an inherent liminality in Cyborg's nature. He can
perceive a cavern when they appear in the Valley – with his human
eye. The other's can't. Batman explains, “According to Graves'
book, only those walking the line between life and death can see the
entrance to the Valley of Souls.” – “I'm not partly dead,
am I?” Cyborg asks. I'm not sure I'm convinced by Batman's curt,
“Of course not.”
Chapter 5”
The newly resurrected Black Adam is not
happy, until Lex Luth– – Sivana – tells him he can help him
find the Wizard. Billy Batson and Freddy Freeman are vandalizing the
car of the rich boy with whom Billy fought. They are seen. Billy
draws the mob of rich kids away from a hiding Freddy into a chase,
managing to just beat them onto a subway car. But on the trip, the
car undergoes some mysterious change, and deposits him not onto a
subway platform but rather into a mysterious cavern.
and Commentary:
Siobhan is at work, Kara and Tommy go out on the town. Once again,
Kara's unfamiliarity with Earth leads to her committing a faux
helping herself to a piece of the pizza being carried to another
table by a passing waitress. It's not the first such stumble, even
in this issue – earlier, she seems uncomprehending of Tommy's
embarrassment when she appears in the room while he's clad just in a
towel … of course, Tommy himself was dressing in his sister's
living room – which Siobhan properly berates him for when she comes
into the room a moment after Kara returns. Anyway, Kara's senses run
wild again, then she's attacked by a new villain, I think the same as
we saw at the end of last issue. There I thought it was Simon, but I
don't think so. Ultimately she manages to fine tune her heat vision
to burn out what she perceives as a nanotech suit. But the
experience convinces her that she's putting her new friends in danger
just being around. She regretfully parts from them.
Okay, she still has no understanding of
English – well, except for “Hello.” She also hasn't eaten nor
slept since arriving on Earth. Do Kryptonians have to either? How
long has she been on Earth at this point. My impression is that if
you add up what's happened so far, it doesn't amount to a whole lot
of time.
Drown the World, Part Six”
Finally, the end of this jumbled story.
The gist is that Sune who is also Maro gets away. Chase considers
Batwoman to have betrayed her and let the cultists take the kids.
Medusa still stands. Bette comes out of her coma just in time. And
Kate and Maggie make up.
is not
the way to write a story. Non-sequential narrative is one thing.
Throwing all the pieces up into the air and letting them fall where
they may, not so much. At some point I may
put in the effort to go back and laboriously figure out what is the
chronological order of all the pieces, read them that way, and see if
it means anything, but right now I'm not inclined to put in that
But J. H. Williams III is coming back on
art duties for the next arc, so we ought to have the outstandingly
beautiful (if sometimes hard to follow) art back – not that it's
been bad the last few issues, by any means. The art hasn't been the
problem. And maybe this narrative sturucture was just an experiment
in story-telling. If so, it failed.
As always, in my opinion. Which is the
main one that counts to me :-)
Up Inside”

Anyway, luckily the cover by Stanley
“Artgerm” Lau is gorgeous … but does Ivy have a “camel-toe”?
… To get to the action of this issue, go to the Amazon Jungle and
take a left turn … 'way left. Of course, it centers on Ivy's
environmental-wacko characterization, so I guess it was inevitable.
Anyway. It turns out last issue's events were just a ruse by Ivy to
get the Birds to the Amazon where she infects them with a toxin that
will kill them unless they work for her in a new wave of
eco-terrorism. If they die to avoid joining her, the toxin will be
released to infect the world. So it's off to the first target, the
Dubai oil corporation whose chairman is of questionable provenance.
This is certainly not going to rehabilitate Black Canary's image!
Just Refilling My Coffers.”
manages to recruit Detective Alvarez to help her against Dollhouse –
but Dollhouse outwits them, as well as Spark, whose double-dealing
last issue doesn't get followed up here just yet. Dollhouse kidnaps
more street people and
Alvarez. And Penguin seizes Selina's friend Gwen.
the funniest part of this issue is when, in the midst of a fight at
the beginning of the issue trying to get Alvarez to just listen
to her rather than arrest her, Selina throws off a neighbor who can
hear and comes to the door by feigning an orgasmic scream of ecstasy.
That's what kind of book this is, though.
Can't Wait”
turns out that Nie is not framing Nightwing, but really believes him
essentially guilty of attracting danger such as what killed his lover
and fellow cop back in issue #1. Sonia reports to Dick that the bank
won't approve the investment in his Amusement Mile project because
they consider him a risky investment due to the attempt on his life
at Haly's Circus a few issues back (if they only knew!). Dick
doesn't take this very well, believing that she had killed any chance
he had – only find out as she walks away angrily that she was the
only board member in
favor of
the investment. Making Dick feel like a … dick. Later, Dick and
Damian converse in the Batcave, making reference to the feud between
Damian and the various Robins – which includes Dick, of course –
that's going on in Batman
and Robin.
Damian helps Dick see something that he'd overlooked in
investigating who was
framing him. Specifically, it's an insightful comment Damian makes
about the importance of making statements, which is the reason for
his own outfit – “You think I wear yellow and green for fun,
rescue squad successfully penetrates the Dominion homeworld, but is
betrayed by Comet Queen and captured, partially because Brainiac 5
insists on going back to retrieve his “irreplaceable” force
shield belt. Back home, Cosmic Boy berates Mon-El, who snaps back at
him. I hope this doesn't portend a return to the “Mon-El cracks
under stress” characterization that I remember from back in the
Brainiac 5 exhibits a hitherto unknown
telepathic/telekinetic ability – but it's made a story point by him
snidely pointing out that there's a lot of things people don't know
about him. We also learn that he's the product of five generations
of selective breeding.
Somebody doesn't seem to know how a
“rogue comet” acts at the beginning of the story. And later the
term telepathic is used where telekinetic would be more correct.
know, I wish I could write more about this book. I'm enjoying it
well enough. It's a good, reliable read. Having Levitz on the
is a blessing. But this is not the best that the Legion
has been. It's not “wowing” me. And that makes me a little sad.
And I can understand why it's languishing mid-lower list in sales.
What does it need? I can't say.
Others, Chapter Five”
I really don't care for the nameless
chapters. It makes it so obvious that this story is really written
for the trade and cannot stand alone. Which it can't.
get more history of Arthur and the Others, including the introduction
of the last member, Vostok, who encourages Arthur to let them all
help him against Black Manta. Arthur refuses, claiming
(unconvincingly) that ti's not because he doesn't care for them but
rather because he does. Emo much? Y'know, much as I've been liking
this run, a “badassification” of Aquaman that thought was
actually working for me, I beginning to think that this Aquaman is
maybe developing in a direction I don't
like. He's just not very likeable. He's not quite there, but
getting close. Maybe it's not a Bad Thing that Johns is reportedly
leaving this title.
meanwhile Black Manta steals Shin from Mera's custody and teleports
away. Damn there's a lot of people, villains and heroes, who can
teleport these days. Aquaman ends up observing them at the island
tomb of the first king of Atlantis, where Black Manta is unearthing a
previously unknown Seventh Relic – without Shin's willing
cooperation. Arthur witnesses Shin pledging that he will not
betray Arthur again, and realizes that Shin is not working with Black
Vostok looks very much like a Jack Kirby creation in his visual
style. [ picture
of the Suit Revealed!” trumpets the cover. Really? That it is
changeable, morphing its form and color? Haven't we known that from
the very introduction in Action
I really don't like covers overly melodramatic to the point of being

I've got an idea. Since the suit is morphable, maybe that's
a way we can just do away with this not-so-hot new design and go back
to the classic design.
of Violence”
Bruce's Ukrainian girl friend tries to be
understanding of his difficulties, but they're interrupted by news of
Gordon's kidnapping and Batman is immediately on the case. This
looks like a standard Scarecrow horror story with some graphic mental
torturing and traumatization of children. One of whom may be
Jonathan Crane's own son. Do we really need these kinds of stories?
Batman finally gets a lead from the little girl-victim with whom he
bonded last issue (the only good things I've seen in this story),
tracks Scarecrow down, and gets ambushed by a face full of Fear Gas.
Again. Sigh of exasperation. This title continues to be horrific,
both in story and in story matter, but the new writer is telling a
somewhat more compelling story within that stricture. It's a bit
scattered, hard to follow, and definitely not for the squeamish.
By the way, isn't the trope of Gordon
getting kidnapped by a psycho a bit overused of late?
Black Room: Part Three”
Yeah, I really need to get up to speed on
Tim Hunter and the old Books of Magic series. Xanadu sees him
as the only hope to save the world from Constantine when the latter
gets access to the Books of Magic. Unfortunately, Tim's given all
his magic away. Meanwhile, the battle between ARGUS and Faust
continues. Constantine uses the threat as his way into the Black
Room, but it turns out Faust is still ahead of them. He has a mole
in ARGUS. And so Dr. Mist betrays them and turns on Constantine....
Wonder Who”
find that the lingering possibility of Red Robin abandoning the team
inspired Bunker to really pull a smart move and put out an ad
for new teammates! – And gave Red Robin's penthouse address! Of
course, it's answered by some random blue-Hulk wannabe douchebag who
tries to take them down but ends up himself taken down by the
armored-up Cassie – but the fight seems to catalyze some radical
transformation in her (as well as allowing some hitherto unseen dude
to narrow in on her location – what's that all about?). Cassie
soon attacks her teammates and takes them
down, except for Superboy and Red Robin who are not there at the
penthouse. When the latter two arrive, Cassie has a moment of
lucidity and begs them not to let her kill again.
deciding more and more that I just don't really care for Lobdell's
writing. This title was so much better in the past couple of issues
that were written by Tom DeFalco.
Dinosaurs Walked the Earth”
Three “dinohumanoids” seem to have
followed the team back from “Dinosaur Island” along Danny the
Alley. Kid Flash discovers them and is going to follow them into his
own story in DC Universe Presents #12 then back to Teen
Titans #12. But wait – I thought Bart was lying unconscious in
the penthouse?
Blood. Never liked him in the original Wolfman-Perez Teen
nor since. And not now, it seems.
a few pages basically introducing another Grotesque Satanistic
Doomsday Criminal Cult to the DCnU – why would anyone ever begin
to follow a loon like Blood – or Kobra – or.... – we get a
misleading “splash” page of Caitlin Fairchild recoiling in what
looks like fear before something that's in the viewer's direction.
Oh – we see it's her charges plunging into a pond or pool naked,
which shows us why she's recoiling, and shows you why I put “splash”
in quotes.... Mainly that page serves as a illustration around which
is her inner'logue which includes a rather ridiculous juxtaposition
of ideas right next to each other: “[They were t]rained to survive
at all
costs … // … to disregard any thoughts of personal safety in
battle.” Sounds badass until you think about it. – Huh?
Caitlin, Ridge, Thunder, and Lightning encounter Brother Blood
cultists, fight them until Blood himself shows up and seems to make
nice by healing Lightning of injuries suffered in the brawl – until
he somehow immobilizes Caitlin and Ridge while torturing Thunder.
Meanwhile, Beast Boy and Terra have a run-in with locals as they try
to catch up to the others, then come upon a Brother Blood blood
sacrifice in progress....
boy. Still don't like Brother Blood.
Drowning Man”
Andrew Bennett's inner'logue: “Technically, I think they're actually
mummies. // Not zombies. // In case that matters.” Well, I'm glad
we cleared that
up. They are corpses animated by some kind of Egyptian necklaces –
except that elsewhere it's also called an infection that can be
spread. Things get worse when some vampires bite some “zombummies”
(my term, and I think it looks dumb too). “So... / zombie vampire
vampire hunters?” is Andrew's exasperated reaction. Then things
get worse still as some “mumbies” (nope, no better, so they're
just “zombies”) start making reinforcements in a nearby town.
And, oh my, Stormwatch is about to get involved!
that and the Professor and Tig manage to survive the Van Helsings'
plane crashing.
I like this book.
from the beginning I've wondered. What exactly is that get-up Mary's
wearing? It looks like pretty much nothing except some body-paint.
Is that right? So what are the “Batman” fins coming out of her
Parts 1-3
After several weeks of unwilling separation, Clark and Lois manage to
arrange an overnight … er, a “conjugal visit” … at the
Fortress. Clark is working on a way to neutralize Lex's radiation
tracker, and we find that the sentient Jor-El program shut itself
down once Clark accepted his destiny. In Gotham City, Batman and a
red-headed female Nightwing confront an Intergang receipt of weapons
from a contact in Metropolis … named Joe Chill. #12) Lex observes
that Superman is now more active than ever. How exactly does Lois
explain Clark's absence? A teleporting criminal (using LexCorp tech,
of course) holds a bunch of kids hostage for money. We get the first
appearance here of Metropolis cop Dan Turpin since the Bryan Q.
Miller-scribed episode “Bulletproof.” One neat little bit has a
foolishly brave little boy named Billy standing up to the criminal
before Superman arrives. A little girl tries to hold him back.
What's neat is that these two kids look for all the world like very
young versions of Billy and Mary Batson, although she's unnamed.
#14) Bruce Wayne and his assistant Barbara arrive in Metropolis for a
meeting with Lex Luthor. Lex declines being brought into a
development project for “Zero Point Energy” that Wayne,
[Michael?] Holt, and [Ted] Kord are putting together. Superman
interrupts their lunch meeting “to … discuss” “something
urgent” with Lex – the use of his tech by the hostage-taker.
Lex, of course, has a perfectly logical reason he's not in any way
invoved. Batman breaks into Stryker's Island Prison to interrogate
Bruno Manheim, the heart and soul of Intergang – and a convert to
the Religion of Crime. (The Latin at the bottom of The
Crime Bible,
gladio perite gladio,
means “Live by the sword, die by the sword.”) Superman
interrupts – and gets a supercharged punch in the jaw from Batman.
for her hair color, this Nightwing could very well be Stephanie Brown
as initially announced. In characterization, she certainly acts more
like Stephanie than Barbara Gordon. Consider me one of those
Stephanie Brown fans who really resents what they've done to the
character – i.e., nothing – and would have really appreciated
having the bone of at least something of a revival in the Smallville
context and by her writer as Batgirl
tossed our way, but Nnnoooo,
DiDio couldn't let that happen. His
latest comments on the matter over at Bleeding Cool just piss me
off. “Stephanie was never Nightwing, there was no reason to put
her in the comic … Smallville is about Superman and not Batman, so
there's no real point in putting Stephanie in to appease a small
amount of fans, and the writer of the comic.” Well, Barbara Gordon
was never Nightwing, either, dude! And you sound like you're arguing
against putting any other heroes in Smallville
if it's just about Superman. I don't give a shit if “[DiDio] was
clearly rather annoyed about the situation”. So'm I. I think he's
also being quite disrespectful toward one of the better writers they
have now, who is sadly not represented on any of the New 52 books.
had to get that off my chest.
do not like the Chris Cross art here nearly as much as Pere Perez on
the first story arc. It's workmanlike, but no more than that.
great, childlike but not really childish,
fun meeting the rest of the Super Pets, and learning “The Hole
Truth” about why Superman got a new suit without his old red
trunks. I actually like Art and Franco's reason better than the
Kryptonian armor in the main DCnU.
* *
that's it.
It's not enough? :-∫
Cheers, and Thanks for reading!
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